Medical Conditions | Medical Marijuana Card | Cannabis Card

In 2012, the state of Massachusetts voted to legalize medical marijuana (Cannabis) for the treatment of serious, chronic illnesses known as “qualifying conditions.”  If you are a Massachusetts resident aged 18 or older who has been diagnosed with a qualifying condition, and you are dissatisfied with the degree of relief that your current medication is providing, medical marijuana may be able to help you manage your symptoms rapidly, gently, and effectively, enabling you to enjoy more comfort and experience a better quality of life.  Even if you have not been diagnosed with a qualifying condition, you may benefit from using Cannabis for male or female sexual dysfunction, as a component of guided couples therapy, or to alleviate the effects of other conditions that may qualify with a physician’s recommendation.

To speak confidentially about whether medical marijuana could be a beneficial addition to your current care plan, contact Inhale MD at (617) 477-8886.  In addition to two Boston area offices conveniently located in Brookline and Cambridge, our medical marijuana practice serves patients throughout the state of Massachusetts by providing secure online consultations.

Who Qualifies for Medical Marijuana in Massachusetts?

The Massachusetts medical marijuana law is contained in a piece of legislation known as the Act for the Humanitarian Medical Use of Marijuana.  While this law covers many important pieces of information regarding the therapeutic use of Cannabis, one of the most important sections for patients is Section 2(C), which lists “qualifying conditions,” or diseases and illnesses that can be treated with medical Cannabis under state law.

If you have been diagnosed with any of the following conditions, and are not happy with your existing treatment plan, medical Cannabis may be a suitable treatment to incorporate into your current plan of care.  As of February 2017, qualifying conditions for marijuana in Massachusetts include:

In addition to the qualifying conditions that are listed above, the Massachusetts Cannabis law includes another important provision that allows doctors to recommend medical marijuana for patients who have been diagnosed with “other conditions as determined in writing by a qualifying patient’s physician.”  Some common examples of conditions that can qualify for medical Cannabis, despite not being explicitly listed as qualifying conditions, include:

Even if you have not been diagnosed with any of the conditions listed above, and are simply interested in learning more about how Cannabis can be used to enhance your general wellness or help to alleviate sexual dysfunction, Inhale MD can provide educational materials for Massachusetts residents who are interested in Cannabis for:

Contact a Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Doctor About Treating Your Illness with Cannabis

After graduating from Harvard Medical School and treating substance abuse disorders as a practicing Emergency Physician, Dr. Jordan Tishler decided to establish the Boston medical marijuana practice Inhale MD in order to provide more patients with the personalized, research-driven medical guidance that is currently absent from Massachusetts’ medical marijuana dispensaries, which, unfortunately, tend to focus on maximizing sales rather than prioritizing patient care and wellness.

A pioneering medical practice at the forefront of Cannabis research in Massachusetts, Inhale MD is committed to providing compassionate, meticulous, high quality care for patients diagnosed with a wide array of debilitating chronic illnesses and disorders.  To speak confidentially with Dr. Tishler about whether medical marijuana could be right for you or your loved one, contact Inhale MD at (617) 477-8886 today.