leadership - About Us

InhaleMD – Cannabinoid Specialist Physicians

The medical professionals at InhaleMD (note that we are not a retail dispensary) are dedicated to treating patients through cannabis therapeutics. Our medical practices specialize in creating effective and affordable treatment plans for people seeking relief from their illness or improvement in their overall well-being. Both patients and wellness-seekers benefit from the guidance of a caring, well-trained physician to help them achieve their desired results.

Our practices specialize in Cannabinoid Therapeutics, Stress Management, Insomnia, and Human Sexuality. We have developed innovative treatment programs designed to help you live an enriched, passionate, and fulfilling life.

Now Offering Virtual Telemedicine Consultations

Fully Virtual TeleMedicine Consultations

All of our appointments are being done by telemedicine. Patients love not having to take time away from work, fight traffic, or worry about parking. For us, telemedicine is like doing old-fashioned home visits — we get to see people in their own environments. What started out as an adaptation to a global crisis has transformed into a better way of providing healthcare.

Telemedicine, using Zoom, is easy to do with just a few clicks. It’s also safe and secure.

Schedule a Telemedicine Visit