Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years by cultures and societies all over the world, with or without a spiritual emphasis. You might have already tried it yourself. But even if you’re a mediation master, there’s one type of meditation you probably haven’t tried: meditation enhanced with Cannabis (marijuana). Before you dismiss it as a just another passing craze or marketing gimmick, read on to learn more about the science at the intersection of mindfulness, meditation and marijuana. It’s a powerful combination that can elevate your mood, inspire you to explore new fitness routines, and even boost your physical health.

medical marijuana doctors near me - Using Marijuana for Better, More Relaxing Meditation Sessions

What Are the Health Benefits of Meditating?

Even without the incorporation of marijuana, meditation can have mental and physical health benefits. Cannabis may make it easier to tap into these benefits by enabling meditation sessions that are longer, deeper, less compromised by distraction, and ultimately, more enriching. This applies to beginners and masters alike, regardless of age or gender.

As a study published in Ayurveda in 2015 pointed out, “Research has confirmed a myriad of health benefits associated with the practice of meditation. These include stress reduction, decreased anxiety, decreased depression, reduction in pain (both physical and psychological), improved memory, and increased efficiency. Physiological benefits include reduced blood pressure [and] heart rate… and [increased] relative blood flow to the brain.”

To support these claims, the study author cites research published in dozens of respected, peer-reviewed medical journals, including NeuroImage, the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, the International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, Depression and Anxiety Journal, Permanente Journal, and Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

Does Marijuana Help with Guided Meditation and Mindfulness?

Research indicates that meditation can benefit all types of people, regardless of age, gender, or other factors. But if you’re living with chronic joint pain, back pain, muscle spasticity, or other health problems related to an illness or disability, you might feel like meditation is out of the question – even if you would benefit from its practice.

Even if you are healthy, you might – like many people – find it hard to reap the benefits of meditation because you feel like you are overwhelmed with stress, “to-dos,” and responsibilities. In a world that’s increasingly on-call and interconnected through our iPhones, email accounts, and social media profiles, it’s harder than ever for most of us to simply take a breather and center ourselves, even when we desperately need it.

That’s precisely where Cannabis can help. Regardless of your health or medical background, Cannabis can help you let go of your physical tension, focus on the present moment, and achieve a calmer, more relaxed mental state – the exact ingredients you need for a satisfying and enjoyable meditation session. All practitioners, regardless of their physical ability, can channel these effects to achieve a more revelatory and tranquil session.

If you’re worried that physical pain may prevent you from meditating the way you would like to, you should know that there are dozens of studies demonstrating that Cannabis is, for many people, an effective and well-tolerated analgesic (painkiller). If you have an interest in marijuana for pain relief, I would encourage you to explore some examples of the many marijuana pain studies that have been conducted in recent years.

In addition to alleviating pain, another health benefit of marijuana is that it can decrease muscle spasticity and joint inflammation associated with conditions like arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and a less common disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. If discomfort in your upper back, lower back, shoulder joints, hip joints, or knee joints has prevented you from meditating, Cannabis might be able to ease the tension, inhibit the pain, and allow you to work through longer and more comfortable sessions.

But what sort of meditation should you try? There are dozens of types of meditation, and none of them are objectively “best” or “correct” (despite what some devotees may tell you). Different techniques work for different people, so you may have to try out a few meditation methods before finding a style (or instructor) that feels like a good fit.

That being said, one of the most popular forms of meditation – at least here in the United States – is called “guided” meditation. Guided meditation appeals to many people, particularly beginners, because it is less open-ended or abstract than many of the alternatives. If you don’t feel comfortable, confident, or experienced enough to meditate silently on your own, guided meditation might be a perfect introduction to the world of meditation. To see it in action, head over to YouTube, do a search for “guided meditation,” and watch a few videos on different popular channels.

If you aren’t meditating already, now is the perfect time to start. All it takes is a quiet space, a few minutes of your time, and a willingness to approach your session with realistic expectations and an open mind. Cannabis can make your meditative journeys more fulfilling, more emotionally productive, and more rewarding – especially if you need to manage a disability or illness in order to meditate comfortably. Inhale MD leads guided meditation sessions for both healthy adults who are interested in enhancing their general wellness, and patients with qualifying conditions. Regardless of your health, you may find that you experience a mood boost, an energy boost, and/or a reduction in anxiety, depression, or pain from gentle, guided, Cannabis-enhanced meditation.

medical marijuana near me - Using Marijuana for Better, More Relaxing Meditation Sessions

Boston Marijuana Wellness Center

Many people are curious about the benefits of Cannabis, but have questions about the safest and most health-conscious way to harness those benefits. Inhale MD provides personalized guidance to Massachusetts residents who are interested in Cannabis for symptom relief or Cannabis for wellness enhancement, be it emotional, physical, sexual, or spiritual. If you have been diagnosed with a qualifying condition, such as cancer or Parkinson’s disease, we can provide an assessment and issue an online certificate via the Massachusetts Department of Public Health system. If you have not been diagnosed with a qualifying condition, we can educate you about how to use Cannabis safely.

With offices in Cambridge and Brookline, Inhale MD is conveniently located to serve residents of Greater Boston. In line with our commitment to increasing patient access, our practice also offers secure online consultations for people outside the Boston area. To learn more about incorporating Cannabis into your fitness routine, call Inhale MD at (617) 477-8886 today for a private consultation.

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