Is It Safe To Be In The State Cannabis Registry?

Is It Safe To Be In The State Cannabis Registry?

This has started coming up again with my patients, so let’s nip it in the bud, shall we?  Is it safe to be listed as a patient in your state medical cannabis registry? The short answer is yes.  Read on for more details.  Nobody likes the idea of...
Why Pay for a Doctor?

Why Pay for a Doctor?

Would you ask for medical advice from your local Starbucks barista?  No?  Why?  Of course they’re not qualified to give you advice.  So, why would you ask the budtender at your local dispensary?  Sure, they love to smoke weed, but how is...
Why Dispensaries Prefer to Sell Vape Pens

Why Dispensaries Prefer to Sell Vape Pens

Sadly, the answer is because they’re cheap.  Unfortunately, this does not mean that those devices are good for you or that you should use them.  Let’s explore what we know about them.  First, let’s talk about how these pens are made...
Top Reasons to Use Less Cannabis

Top Reasons to Use Less Cannabis

With cannabis legalization on everyone’s mind, there is a growing PR push to imply that cannabis is harmless.  This makes great political baloney, but very bad science and public health policy.   Every substance, legal or illegal, medical or...
Understanding Cannabis Dependence

Understanding Cannabis Dependence

Cannabis, like many medications including common ones like SSRIs, benzodiazepines, opioids, and others, can cause dependence.  This sounds like a bad thing, and it can be.  It is often confused with addiction, which is more commonly recognized as something...

Now Offering Virtual Telemedicine Consultations

Fully Virtual TeleMedicine Consultations

All of our appointments are being done by telemedicine. Patients love not having to take time away from work, fight traffic, or worry about parking. For us, telemedicine is like doing old-fashioned home visits — we get to see people in their own environments. What started out as an adaptation to a global crisis has transformed into a better way of providing healthcare.

Telemedicine, using Zoom, is easy to do with just a few clicks. It’s also safe and secure.

Schedule a Telemedicine Visit