Dr. Jordan Tishler occupies a unique vantage point in the burgeoning Cannabis world. As an expert on Cannabis medicine, marijuana regulation and product development, his focus is on helping patients, law makers, and companies understand and benefit from the challenges in this emerging field.
Dr. Tishler began his career at Harvard College and then Harvard Medical School. He has served the last 15 years as an emergency physician at the Veterans Administration hospital in Boston. During his time there he saw hundreds of veterans whose lives were severely damaged or destroyed by the ravages of drugs and alcohol. In practice, he became an expert on treating the acute presentation of these illnesses.
Dr. Tishler soon found himself speaking to patient groups, physician’s groups including Massachusetts Medical Society, hospitals like Massachusetts General Hospital and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and the press, helping them understand the medical benefits of Cannabis. Dr. Tishler has authored over 100 articles and is regularly quoted in the media, such as Bustle, Vox, Medical Daily, Healthline, Mic.com, and Yahoo News.
Dr. Tishler actively consults to medical dispensaries to ensure they have the utmost standard in care available to patients. He has developed standards of product development, package labeling, and professional training for Patient Service Agents (PSA). Working with dispensaries to voluntarily exceed state mandated requirements, Dr. Tishler can help dispensaries gain a loyal following and be viewed by patients and regulators as a model all others should emulate.

Can Marijuana Save Your Sex Life?
When you get supremely stoned, you're probably not good for taking care of anything beyond a couple bags of Doritos. However, more and more doctors that specialize in medical marijuana are noticing a surprising side effect from a light buzz
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The Chase For The Next Great Legal High
Back in my day, if we wanted a legal high, we'd chug cough syrup or smoke salvia and that was good enough for us, dammit. Robitussin tasted awful, and salvia triggered horrifying tactile hallucinations, but hey, we had mettle! We were willing to sacrifice in order to be high.
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Three surprising side effects of masturbation
Ah, masturbation. One of societies last taboos. You pick and choose very carefully who you talk about your masturbation habits with, some people don’t even tell a soul. But how many of us are masturbating really?
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Finding Alternatives to Opioids
The young cook had just turned away from the deep fryer when he heard a thud and felt a searing pain that stopped him in his tracks. “It was so intense that my whole body kind of froze for a minute,” recalls Kevin Walsh, propped up in a hospital bed, nine days later.
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Is weed skincare worth the hype?
You’d be living under a rock if you hadn’t noticed weed is having a moment (sartorially speaking, of course). Once the preserve of stoners, now it promises better sex, has infiltrated the catwalk and is even a part of Kendall Jenner’s airport attire.
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Can Science Solve Football's Concussion Crisis?
Football is facing a major crisis — and not because some NFL players keep taking a knee during the National Anthem. It’s because a growing body of research shows that on-the-field collisions put players at risk for brain injury and a devastating neurological disorder known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).
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Veterans Defend Our Freedom. It’s Time We Defend Theirs. Why VA Policy Causes More Harm Than Good.
Learning about yet another veteran suicide at the Phoenix VA underscores the urgent need for policy reform to allow veterans the freedom to access the healing power of cannabis. Under current policy, Veterans who could benefit most from its therapeutic healing power would risk losing their VA medical benefits if caught with cannabis in their system.
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Should You Be Smoking Weed Before a Workout? Some Athletes Think So
Historically speaking, fitness and marijuana have never been considered the best of workout buddies. In fact, you've probably thought of them as diametric opposites. In one corner, you had the health and fitness-conscious; in the other, the Cheeto-munching stoners.
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Can CBD Products Improve Your Fitness Results?
Historically speaking, fitness and marijuana have never been considered the best of workout buddies. In fact, you've probably thought of them as diametric opposites. In one corner, you had the health and fitness-conscious; in the other, the Cheeto-munching stoners.
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Using CBD While Working Out Can Help You Recover Quicker & Here’s What Else You Need To Know
Cannabidiol, aka CBD, is having a moment right now, and for good reason. Not only does it have some general health benefits, such as being anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety, research is starting to suggest that using CBD while working out can help you recover faster.
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Pregnant Women Are Trying Marijuana To Treat Morning Sickness, So Here's What Experts Want You To Know
During my first trimester of pregnancy, I was ready to try just about anything to get rid of the crippling, seemingly-endless nausea. Ginger ale, crackers, and meditation all failed me. In the face of such suffering, pregnant women are trying marijuana to treat their morning sickness, according to a recent study.
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A Definitive List of the Proven Health Benefits of CBD Oil
CBD oil has been the star of 2018, at least when it comes to health (and beauty, for that matter). And the pandemonium is warranted. The natural, holistic remedy has real medicinal use spanning from stopping seizures to alleviating anxiety and helping insomniacs get some much-needed rest-with little to no side effects, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
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50 Proven Remedies for Fast Pain Relief
Whether you stubbed your toe, are in the midst of a migraine, or are suffering from chronic pain, here’s how to diminish the discomfort.
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How to Lead Cannabis Conversations at the Holiday Table
Pundits and politicians may debate which party was the bigger winner in the midterm elections, but one result is beyond dispute: Nov. 6, 2018, was a very good day for marijuana. Cannabis was on the ballot in four states and three (Michigan, Utah, and Missouri) passed pro-cannabis legislation. North Dakota was the lone naysayer, voting against a measure to legalize recreational marijuana.
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Marijuana menus, explained
You skimmed the online menus of marijuana products available at the state’s first two recreational stores — New England Treatment Access (NETA) in Northampton and Cultivate in Leicester — and you’re eager to find out what all the hype is about, now that it’s offered in a legalized and safe way. Check out this breakdown of some of the products offered at these two adult-use shops.
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Cannabis can help with better sex, but low doses are key
St. Louis, Mo., gynecologist Becky Kaufman Lynn faced a problem: her patients wanted her to explain how cannabis affected how they experienced sex, but she wasn’t sure how to answer.
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CBD Didn't Cure My Anxiety—but I’m Still Not Dropping It From My Self-care Routine
I’m a bit of a self-care junkie. Part of my love affair with luxuriously long baths, weekly check-ins with my therapist, and “forest bathing” (which is really just a fancy way of saying “spending time outside”), is driven by the simple fact that it feels good.
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Does Hemp Oil Have Health Benefits?
It seems like everyone and her sister (and grandma, and aunt and second cousin twice-removed, and ... you get it) is sprinkling CBD oil in her smoothies because of claims it can help with everything from pain to anxiety. But what about CBD's sister: hemp oil? Are hemp oil benefits legit?
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Everything You Need to Know About Cannabis
You can smoke it, vape it, sip it, or spritz it. You can bake it into brownies. You can find it in lotions and potions to rub on your skin, tinctures to drop under your tongue, capsules to swallow, or oils that have been added to your latte or ice cream. Cannabis is everywhere these days, and to hear its proponents talk, it’s the fix for everything that might ail you.
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Seniors Pay Premium For Cannabis But Don't Have To
Older adults pay more for pot than any other age group. This was one of the findings from a new study on cannabis pricing recently released by Headset, the Seattle, Washington-based cannabis data analytics firm.
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No, Experts Don't Consider Marijuana A Gateway Drug. Six Fact Checks From The Texas Legislature.
Lawmakers of all political stripes were chomping at the bit this session to file — or sign onto — bills that would decriminalize or lessen the criminal penalties for Texans found with small amounts of marijuana.
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How to Come Down From a Cannabis High
I don’t use weed, but the one time I did I ended up in an emergency room. It was after a holiday party and I was certain that when the ambulance came, I would be arrested. Because I’ve watched enough Law and Order, I took it upon myself to record every conversation I had with the paramedics, take time-stamped notes on my phone, and repeatedly ask for a lawyer.
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Does CBD Work for Pain Relief?
Kyle Wright was used to living in pain. The 31-year-old who lives in New York City regularly felt the repercussions of decades-old injuries from playing sports and bartending, and contended with the back and shoulder aches triggered by mild scoliosis.
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Smoking Pot Could Reduce Conflict, Aggression, and Violence in Marriages
Couples that smoke pot together stay together, according to a new study. Although data indicates that alcohol and marijuana can both increase aggressive tendencies, this study found that cannabis use had the opposite effect when it came to marital conflict. Experts are not terribly surprised.
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Can cannabis treat anxiety? It's complicated
Marijuana companies and users proclaim the drug’s utility as a treatment but hard evidence is more difficult to come by. Many cannabis users and businesses are invested in the idea of cannabis as an anxiety treatment.
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The 15 Best CBD Vape Pens
CBD vapes are overtaking the shelves everywhere from high-end cannabis stores to gas stations. You may even see them alongside nicotine vapes, which may make them seem like a tempting alternative to smoking tobacco.
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Can CBD Relieve Psoriasis Symptoms? Here’s What Doctors Are Saying
With all of the headlines pointing to the healing powers of cannabidiol (CBD)—one of more than 80 chemical compounds in the cannabis plant—it’s natural to wonder: Can using CBD oil help relieve psoriasis symptoms?
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Cannabis and Mental Health: Schizophrenia
About 1.1 percent of the worldwide population is diagnosed with schizophrenia. According to the Schizophrenia and Related Disorders Alliance of America, schizophrenia is one of the leading causes of disability in the United States, affecting 3.5 million people.
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Can CBD Make Sex Better? Here’s What the Experts Say
Sex changed for Heather Huff-Bogart when she had her IUD removed. The once fun, pleasurable experience now left her “curled over in pain with cramps.” Eager to find a solution to the problem, she decided to try a personal lubricant infused with cannabidiol (CBD) about six months ago, and noticed immediate improvements.
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Will Smoking Weed Make My Flu Less Terrible?
It's cold and flu season and your dumbass friend didn't get a flu shot back in October. Now, he's at home on the couch, wrapped in a comforter and fighting his way through chills, fatigue and nausea. It's boring and unpleasant, and he has so exhausted the good options on Netflix, he's considering checking out Iron Fist.
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Antioxidants In Soybeans May Protect Against Marijuana-Related Heart Damage
Previous research has indicated those already predisposed to cardiovascular disease increase their risk of a heart attack when smoking cannabis. Though cannabis is associated with sedative effects, it actually increases your heart’s rate and need for oxygen, which could cause complications if your arteries are clogged.
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Weed while pregnant: Far more common and concerning than many realize
Corrections and clarifications: An earlier version of this story misidentified the meaning of the acronym NIDA. It stands for the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Claire Alcindor’s fourth pregnancy last year was the hardest. The only way she could keep food down was by smoking marijuana, which also helped with her depression.
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