Blog | Benefits of Medical Cannabis | Medical Marijuana Treatment

Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Blog

Understanding Medical Marijuana Prescriptions

Understanding Medical Marijuana Prescriptions

How Do Doctors Prescribe Medical Marijuana? Doctors in states need to be signed up with their state to prescribe medical marijuana. The term “prescribe” is used loosely because what we do is certify or recommend rather than write an actual prescription. A...
The Pros and Cons of Using Medical Cannabis for PTSD

The Pros and Cons of Using Medical Cannabis for PTSD

Using medical cannabis for PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) involves a lot of careful thought and understanding. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of using medical cannabis to treat PTSD, keeping in mind the insights from Dr. Jordan Tishler, a leading expert...
Understanding the Health Risks of Medical Cannabis

Understanding the Health Risks of Medical Cannabis

Medical cannabis offers therapeutic benefits for various health conditions, but its use must be approached with precision, particularly concerning dosage and timing, to ensure safety and avoid health risks, especially in younger populations. As a physician...
CBD and Medical Marijuana: Which Option is Right For You?

CBD and Medical Marijuana: Which Option is Right For You?

When assessing the potential use of cannabis-derived products for health purposes, it is essential to differentiate accurately between cannabidiol, or CBD, and medical marijuana. Both have become popular, but the evidence to support safety and efficacy of cannabis is...

Now Offering Virtual Telemedicine Consultations

Fully Virtual TeleMedicine Consultations

All of our appointments are being done by telemedicine. Patients love not having to take time away from work, fight traffic, or worry about parking. For us, telemedicine is like doing old-fashioned home visits — we get to see people in their own environments. What started out as an adaptation to a global crisis has transformed into a better way of providing healthcare.

Telemedicine, using Zoom, is easy to do with just a few clicks. It’s also safe and secure.

Schedule a Telemedicine Visit