Medical and recreational cannabis may seem similar, but their purposes and applications are vastly different. Dr. Tishler explains the distinctions, helping patients understand how medical cannabis is carefully controlled to maximize therapeutic benefits while...
As you are likely aware, in the race to differentiate their products from everyone else’s, companies are creating products with a veritable fruit-salad of cannabinoids and other ingredients. Further, they are marketing these new products for particular...
Medical cannabis isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. At InhaleMD, Dr. Tishler emphasizes that effective cannabis care is about creating personalized medical marijuana treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique medical conditions,...
I got an email from a patient the other day that, frankly, is all too common these days. He wrote to ask my advice because he’s no longer sleeping. He’s been a life-long insomniac and came to me years ago for this problem. After the usual...
Back pain is one of the most common issues patients come to me with, particularly in older adults. One such patient, an 83-year-old man, had been dealing with chronic back pain and sciatica for years. Conventional treatments, including physical therapy and...
As you know, if you’ve been following along with me over the years, I generally do not recommend smoking cannabis. I tend to recommend vaporizing whole flower as the safest approach to inhalation that actually allows us to estimate dose fairly...