Blog | Benefits of Medical Cannabis | Medical Marijuana Treatment

Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Blog

The Problem with Advice from Cannabis Users

The Problem with Advice from Cannabis Users

The single largest avoidable pitfall I see among new patients is having fallen prey to the hype.  Whether it’s buying vast numbers of different products, to believing that you can’t overdose on cannabis, or having followed the advice of others leading...
Managing Sleep Apnea with Medical Cannabis

Managing Sleep Apnea with Medical Cannabis

Introduction Sleep apnea is a common condition that affects breathing during sleep. While CPAP machines are the standard treatment, they aren’t always easy for patients to tolerate. Medical marijuana, when used under guidance, can improve sleep...
5 Signs You Need a Tolerance Break

5 Signs You Need a Tolerance Break

A recent blog from another cannabis expert led with this headline above: 5 Signs You Need a Tolerance Break.  This left me shaking my head.  It’s exceeding rare that I would ever recommend a tolerance break for a patient.  I’ll explain in a...