Blog | Benefits of Medical Cannabis | Medical Marijuana Treatment

Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Blog

Managing Back Pain with Medical Marijuana: A Case Study

Managing Back Pain with Medical Marijuana: A Case Study

Back pain is one of the most common issues patients come to me with, particularly in older adults. One such patient, an 83-year-old man, had been dealing with chronic back pain and sciatica for years. Conventional treatments, including physical therapy and...
Smoking: Bong vs. Joint

Smoking: Bong vs. Joint

As you know, if you’ve been following along with me over the years, I generally do not recommend smoking cannabis.  I tend to recommend vaporizing whole flower as the safest approach to inhalation that actually allows us to estimate dose fairly...
Medical Cannabis for Multiple Sclerosis: The Myths and Realities

Medical Cannabis for Multiple Sclerosis: The Myths and Realities

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a horribly debilitating and lethal disease that affects about 1 million Americans.  It can cause progressive loss of movement control, painful spasms of muscle groups and, in some cases, the loss of ability to swallow and breath. ...
The Safety and Utility of Medical Cannabis for Bipolar Disorder

The Safety and Utility of Medical Cannabis for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings, including manic episodes of high energy and depressive episodes of low mood. Managing these symptoms is crucial for individuals to lead stable and fulfilling lives. Standard treatments...

Now Offering Virtual Telemedicine Consultations

Fully Virtual TeleMedicine Consultations

All of our appointments are being done by telemedicine. Patients love not having to take time away from work, fight traffic, or worry about parking. For us, telemedicine is like doing old-fashioned home visits — we get to see people in their own environments. What started out as an adaptation to a global crisis has transformed into a better way of providing healthcare.

Telemedicine, using Zoom, is easy to do with just a few clicks. It’s also safe and secure.

Schedule a Telemedicine Visit